The Sam’s Creek 4-H Club will sponsor basket bingo Saturday at the Carroll County Agriculture Center’s Burns Hall.
Doors will open at 5:00 p.m. and bingo begins at 6:30 p.m. Try your luck at winning any of the filled baskets.
“They are mostly retired baskets,” said Brenda Barber, Sam’s Creek 4-H leader. The offering includes “a household caddy, window box, May series baskets, a picnic basket, dessert caddy and pitcher and many others,” she said.
Tickets are $20 by calling Jessica 240-997-2151. Every seat requires a ticket.
Take along a canned food item and receive one early bird game card. There is a limit of one free card per person.
If you are interested in sponsoring a basket or making a donation for our bingo, please call Elizabeth at 410-596-6097. All donations are tax deductible and would be greatly appreciated!
Refreshments will be available.
Proceeds benefit the Sam’s Creek 4-H Club. “Our goal is to keep 4-H free for its members, for county and state dues and insurance, club projects and community service projects,” said Barber.
The Ag Center is off Gist Road, Westminster.