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Adventures in Dirt and Honey
Sarah Red-Laird envisions a future where kids frolic in pastures of flowers, buzzing with bees, alongside profitable family farmers and ranchers. She is currently leading a group of collaborators to create this reality through the ” Regenerative Bee Pasture” project. By regenerating soil through increasing plant diversity, incorporating animals, eliminating or reducing tillage, always leaving the soil covered (with plants), and leaving living roots in the soil, farmers and ranchers are increasing rainfall infiltration and reducing soil erosion, sequestering carbon into the soil, and building life beneath the soil surface which increases nutrient density in our food. As this movement jettisons ahead, Sarah wants to make sure that bees are completely considered. In this talk, she will share details on how her focus has transitioned to include not just beekeeping but also soil building, why this is important, and how you can take part in her vision for the future.
Monica Schmitt
Honey Hollow Emporium
Facebook@sarahbeegirl, Instagram@sarahbeegirl
Sara Red-Laird is the founder and Executive Director of the Bee Girl organization, a nonprofit with a mission to educate and inspire communities to conserve bees, their flowers, and our countryside. BGO projects are focused on bee habitat research and education, and kids’ programs. She is a graduate of the University of Montana’s College of Forestry and Conservation with a degree in Resource Conservation, focused on community collaboration and environmental policy. Sarah also serves as the “Kids and Bees” program director for the American Beekeeping Federation. To see her commitment to good policy and community collaborations realized, she also serves as president of the Northwest Farmers Union, and is a past president of the Western Apicultural Society. When she is not tirelessly working with bees, beekeepers, kids, farmers and ranchers, and policy makers, Sarah loves to read historical fiction, ride her bike, hike in the hills, and see new places, things, and people. To see her latest projects updates visit Instagram and Facebook @sarahbeegirl.