Drug & Violence Awareness Expo
Hosted By: Carroll County Chamber of Commerce
April 3, 2025
Event Times:: 8 AM – 2 PM
Open to public: Yes
Admission Price: Free
The Expo Continues to Impact Lives!
The ninth annual “Drug and Violence Awareness Expo” will take place on April 3, 2025, at Shipley’s Arena from 8am-2pm. The expo will cover all aspects of Drugs, Gangs, Domestic Violence, and Sexual Assaults including the affects to our community and businesses. There will be a variety of educational seminars, a display of local Crime Fighting Equipment, an Interactive Impairment Driving Course, CPR, Self Defense and K-9 Demonstrations, as well as space for over 70 Exhibitors sharing information on each topic.
The event will be Open to the Public Free of Charge.
We are looking for your support in the following ways:
Be an Exhibitor – Free of Charge! If your business or association offers a service or product relating to one of the expo’s topics, we want you there. We will give you a 10′ x 8′ booth, a 6′ table and two chairs. You may have as many booths as you like. This is a “First Come First Served” option so sign up as soon as possible.
Be a Sponsor – Help support this event even if you can’t be an exhibitor. Everyone is impacted directly or indirectly by the topics above. Being a sponsor helps defray the cost of bussing middle school children to the event as well as marketing materials. Sponsorship levels start as low as $250. Each sponsor will receive recognition on marketing materials and our website. Higher sponsorship levels include recognition during the event and a 30 second radio ad broadcast throughout the day at the expo. All levels of donations are accepted and greatly appreciated.
For more information contact us at info@CarrollCountyChamber.org or call 410-848-9050. We look forward to hearing from you and greatly appreciate your support.