Since 1981, the first Saturday in May has marked the annual Mid-Atlantic Disaster Response Auction. There is no admission charged for this annual event that is open to the public and features three auctions, plants, crafts, food and baked goods, books, and white elephant table.
7-9:30am Breakfast
9am Outside Auction: tools, lawn and garden, household and general items
9:30am Special Items Auction: including antiques and collectibles, art and jewelry
10am Food booths open; child care available 10am-2pm
10:30am Lunch
12pm Quilt and Comforter Auction
Terms: cash, check, or credit card; ATM machine located in the Shipley Arena
Your purchase has purpose. Auction proceeds go to the Church of the Brethren Emergency Disaster Response Fund to send trained volunteers to help disaster victims with child care and to repair and rebuild after natural disasters that occur within the United States. Overseas relief includes food, water, shelter and medicine. For more information call 443-960-3052.